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Laboratory of regional social-economical research

Contact information:

Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems FEB RAS
679016, Birobidzhan, Russia, Sholom-Aleikhem St., 4. of.10
Telephone: 8 (42622) 2 05 43,
Fax: 8 (42622) 4 16 71

E-mail: svetamic79@mail.ru,
Personal web page in eLIBRARY.RU:

1. Family name: MISHCHUK
2. First name: Svetlana Nikolaevna
3. Date/place: 01/01/1979. Birobidzhan, Russia


Full name: Mishchuk Svetlana Nikolaevna
E-mail: svetamic79@mail.ru
Office phone 8 (42622) 20543

2009. Assistant Professor (Docent) in the field of physical and economic geography.
2004. Ph.D. in Economics (08.00.05 – «Economy and national economy management»), Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law (Khabarovsk, Russia). Scientific supervisor: Leonov S.N., Doctor of Science Economics, Professor. Dissertation – «Development trends and directions for control of small business on the level of constituent territory of the Federation».
2003-1999. Postgraduate studies (specialization «Social, economic and political geography»), Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (ICARP FEB RAS) (Birobidzhan, Russia).
1996-1999. Higher education in the field of «Geography», Birobidzhan State Teachers’ Training Institute, Faculty of «Geography and Economy» (Birobidzhan, Russia).


02.2018 – present day - Leading Researcher, Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch (Birobidzhan, Russian Federation).
02. 2017-02.2018 - Scientific secretary, Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch (Birobidzhan, Russian Federation).
2014-2016 - Head of the Laboratory for mathematic modeling of regional systems’ dynamics. Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems FEB RAS (Birobidzhan, Russia).
2007-2014 - Senior scientific researcher. Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems FEB RAS (Birobidzhan, Russia).
2004-2007 - Research scientist. Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems FEB RAS (Birobidzhan, Russia).
1998-2004 - Leading Engineer. Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems FEB RAS (Birobidzhan, Russia).
2000-2014 - Senior lecturer, Assistant Professor. Far Eastern Agrarian State University (Birobidzhan branch).
1999-2013 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor. Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Amur Region State University named after Sholom-Alejhem» (Birobidzhan, Russia). As a second job.
02.1998-09.1998 - Teacher of geography. Secondary school (Birobidzhan, Russia).


2009-2010. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists – candidates of sciences. «Problems of cross-border interaction of border regions in the south of the Far East (the Jewish Autonomous Oblast set as an example)». Supervisor.
2013-2014. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists – candidates of sciences. «Migration processes and ethnic entrepreneurship development in the south of the Far East of Russia». Supervisor.
2017-2019. Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). «The transformation of a rural location as a result of implementation of investment projects in the south of the Far East (on the example of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast)». Supervisor.


Causes, tendencies and features of migration on the Far East of Russia, the impact of migration on population ethnic composition change in the region, study of Chinese entrepreneurship in the Far East of Russia. Migration (labor migration) between Russia and China.


1. Mishchuk S. Russian–Chinese Agricultural Cooperation in the Russian Far East // Regional Research of Russia. 2016. Vol. 6, No. 1. Pp. 59–69.
2. Mishchuk S.N., Tayorova M.A., Bespalovà N.V. Compatriots’ resettlement to the Far East Federal District: problems and their solutions // Power and administration in the Eeast of Russia. 2014. No. 2 (67). Pp. 54-61. (In Russian).
3. Mishchuk S. Domestic and International Migration in the Russian Far East in the Mid-19th–Early 21st Century // Regional Research of Russia. 2013. Vol. 3, No. 4. Pp. 329–336.
4. Mishchuk S.N. Chinese Factor in the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas of Jewish Autonomous Region // Regionalistica [Regionalistics]. 2016. Vol. 3, No. 4. Pp. 20–30. (In Russian).
5. Mishchuk S. Peculiarities of international labour migration from China to Russia (on the example of the far East federal district) // Economy of Region. No. 2 (38). Pp. 194-202. (In Russian).
6. Khavinson M.Y., Kulakov M.P., Mishchuk S.N. Prediction of foreign labor migration dynamics at the regional level // Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2013. Vol. 24, No. 2. Pp. 170-178. (In Russian).


Vice chairman of Public Council at the Federal tax service of Russia in Jewish Autonomous region.
Member of ICARP FEB RAS Academic council and editorial board of «Regional problems» periodical.

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